Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bleary Survival

I survived the first week. I shall be back for the second one tomorrow. The people are amazing. There's a woman in my class whose husband in currently posted to Jakarta. Their kids go to the same elementary school. Small world, isn't it? And they've added a pool since I was there! Back in the day, we were taken to the American Club a few weeks a year for swimming lessons. Now, it appears, they get swim lessons year round right on campus. Definitely a step forward. I wonder if this should make me feel old.

Getting up at 6am to get to an 8am class on time is killing me. At my old job, I would get up at 8 to get to my 9am job on time. It's a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things, though. The training is interesting, and getting to spend 8+ hours a day with these people is worth getting up so early. Now, let's see how many of us are saying that after 7 weeks together.

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