Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Very Long Week

A couple of weeks ago, my aunt told me to invite anyone from my A-100 class who didn't have a place to go to come spend Thanksgiving with us. A couple of days later, I sent out an e-mail to my 89 classmates telling them as much.

When my aunt found out, her eyes got real big. "I told you to invite your class, not the whole State Department!"

In the end, 5 decided to join us for a grand total of about 24 people. The food was great; the company couldn't be beat; and there were games aplenty to top off the afternoon. I can't think of a better way to spend Thanksgiving.

Meanwhile, I'm sure everyone has seen the recent happenings in Mumbai. I had hoped nobody in my family would notice until after the holiday. That was a bust.

I spent Wednesday and Thursday fielding inquiries from all sides. What did I think of the situation? Was I surprised? Was I scared to go now? Could they just lock me in a closet so I wouldn't go into harm's way?

It's downright tragic. I certainly didn't expect something like this to happen. No, I'm not afraid to go. No, I will not live in a closet for the next two years (I appreciate the concern, though).

I don't know how to react to something like this. I don't like these things. I wish this hadn't happened, that much I know. But it has happened, and there's really not much I can do about that. I spent a lot of time the first couple of days trying to stifle a persistent feeling of helplessness. When the instructors announced on Friday that they needed caseworkers this weekend, I jumped. Truth be told, I would have jumped no matter where the crisis had occurred.

So I've spent the majority of my waking hours this weekend at the Department, helping American Citizen Services provide support to the Consulate General in Mumbai and trying to account for U.S. Citizens who might have been affected. It has to be some of the most rewarding work I have ever done. People are grateful to get a call from the Department of State to verify that their loved one is safe, and I am equally grateful to know that in my little way, I have been of service. That's why I'm in this line of work, after all.

Am I tired? You betcha. Did I get much else done this weekend? I was late to my cousin's birthday celebration, but I did make it eventually and had a wonderful time visiting with everyone. Other than that, I accomplished virtually none of my the tasks on my list for this weekend. And how am I feeling now? Sleepily satisfied. I didn't make everything magically better in Mumbai, but I'd like to think I've made some small contribution. That's all I really need.


Unknown said...

I love that feeling of having helped someone :) I'm glad you got that (and the appreciation from people is wonderful). Seeeee, that's why I want to be an SLP.
I really hope that you do stay safe, but at the same time I hope it's not necessary to(nor do they) keep you all locked up for a whole 2 years.

Lucia said...