I lived through the ordeal and am quite satisfied with the result:
Name that flag! Kudos to the first person to post the answer. Additionally, priority visiting rights to the first person to correctly name the city where I will be posted.
So what are you waiting for? Post a comment already!
INDIA!!!!!, thanks google images...
:D enjoy the trip there,though i dont know how excited you should be since you lived there.
Oh, I'm quite excited. We were in New Delhi last time (yes, this comment eliminates one of the cities). My only real request for my first post was that I go somewhere new. This definitely qualifies and was in fact my top choice before I even got the bid list. Not that anybody here knew that... Seriously.
So. Which city? Nobody's figured that one out yet.
However, I will not be going to Hyderabad. Kudos to you, though. I'm not sure how many people know that we've opened a consulate general there yet. The ceremonial opening was in fact this past Friday, October 24th.
Awww. Thanks. Nice to see you finally got comments to work. It doesn't appear that anybody else is going to take a stab at guessing the post.
I'll be off to Mumbai (pka Bombay) in early February 2009. I'll be there for 2 years. Guests are more than welcome! Just give me a heads up when you want to visit. :)
Hmm, 2 years. That gives me potential time to find a house and save up money for a trip to Israel and then maybe a hop over to you for a couple days while Motti goes nuts with his family. Notice I'm not even considering him wanting to come along, I don't feel like being killed :)
Nope. My position is English-designated. I'm hoping to pick up some Hindi on my own, though. The language department at FSI was kind enough to give me a list of resources to get me started.
INDIA!!!!!, thanks google images...
:D enjoy the trip there,though i dont know how excited you should be since you lived there.
Oh, I'm quite excited. We were in New Delhi last time (yes, this comment eliminates one of the cities). My only real request for my first post was that I go somewhere new. This definitely qualifies and was in fact my top choice before I even got the bid list. Not that anybody here knew that... Seriously.
So. Which city? Nobody's figured that one out yet.
And here's my random guess: Hyderabad?
Congrats, chica!
Thank you! I'm very excited.
However, I will not be going to Hyderabad. Kudos to you, though. I'm not sure how many people know that we've opened a consulate general there yet. The ceremonial opening was in fact this past Friday, October 24th.
Next guess, anyone?
I know where you're gooooing :) I'm testing out this commenting business with gmail. I misssss you!
Awww. Thanks. Nice to see you finally got comments to work. It doesn't appear that anybody else is going to take a stab at guessing the post.
I'll be off to Mumbai (pka Bombay) in early February 2009. I'll be there for 2 years. Guests are more than welcome! Just give me a heads up when you want to visit. :)
Hmm, 2 years. That gives me potential time to find a house and save up money for a trip to Israel and then maybe a hop over to you for a couple days while Motti goes nuts with his family. Notice I'm not even considering him wanting to come along, I don't feel like being killed :)
That's okay. I'm rather pleased that you'd consider visiting me. :) I didn't think India would have that effect on you.
Motti's welcome, of course, but we'd both like to live. :P
Congrats! Do you have to study any additional languages before you go?
Nope. My position is English-designated. I'm hoping to pick up some Hindi on my own, though. The language department at FSI was kind enough to give me a list of resources to get me started.
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